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Animated page transitions in Flutter
Flutter's default page transitions are not very good. In fact they ruin user experience. Therefore, adding animations to page transitions is very important. To do so, page_transition package version 2.0.9 is used. Which is very simple and easy to use.
Animated page transitions in Flutter
Animated page transitions in Flutter Poster
Let's dive in to see how to implement the animations on transitions:
Step 1:
Create a project and remove all the default code. for counter you can keep build methods and classes just remove floating button, count text and counting function.
Step 2:
Install page_transiton package by running command:
flutter pub add page_transition
Step 3:
Create a button.dart file in lib folder and create a text button with text and click event as below:
You can avoid this step and directly use TextButton but if you add any styling you will have to do repeatedly therefore creating it as a custom widget is always be a good idea.
Step 4:
Create a new_page.dart file that will have a simple page to indicate that we have performed a transition.
classNewPageextendsStatelessWidget {
Widgetbuild(BuildContextcontext) {
appBar: AppBar(),
body: constCenter(
child: Text("New page"),
Step 5:
Now, open main.dart file again and create a function inside _MyHomePageState class that will perform transition which takes two just one argument that will be transition to be performed. However, if it is reused for multiple pages in real world scenario page argument will be required so it can work across different pages in the application.